About Just Us Painting
Thank you for taking the time to consider Just Us Painting as your painting company. Founded in 1980 by master painter, Garry Lovell, Just Us Painting is a small and personal company dedicated to providing quality paint jobs with a personal touch.
Our focus is to exceed the quality of other painting companies. One way we accomplish this is by taking the time and care needed to prepare the surface correctly. We use high quality paints and stains and use the best painting technique for the area. Garry is on every job, beginning with meeting you, the client, on the first estimate visit. Garry works with one or two assistants on every aspect of the job. Upon completion, Garry will conduct a follow up visit to make sure you are completely satisfied.
More about our process below
Garry is originally from Bermuda where he began his trade in the late 70's. He is a master painter with over 30 years experience in the Bay Area alone. You will appreciate the peace of mind you get when you see the experience and fine workmanship that he brings to every aspect of your job.
Our Process
Just Us Painting will provide a process which is free from worry and hassle, making the painting of your house as easy as possible. We adhere to an ecologically safe process throughout the job. Ecologically safe paint is available upon request and all waste materials are disposed of responsibly.
• The Estimate: Garry will visit your job and get the specifications needed to create a comprehensive estimate. The estimate itself is a typed, detailed document which lists each part of the job to be done. This estimate can be emailed, faxed, mailed or hand delivered to your doorstep.
• Scheduling: Garry will make every effort to accommodate your schedule and get the job done in the amount of time estimated.
• Prep: Prep is 99% of the work and the most important key to a long-lasting, high quality paint job. Just Us Painting will take the time and care to make sure the prep is thorough and comprehensive. We will fully protect surfaces and furniture before starting work. Prep can include power or hand sanding, stucco repair, caulking and patching, power washing, and the proper application of primer.
• Painting: You choose the colors. Garry buys the paint. Application methods will match the needs of the surface: whether sprayed, rolled, or brushed by hand we choose the best method for the quality you expect. Color and design consultations are available upon request.
• Clean up: Just Us Painting strives to “leave no trace” except the beauty of newly painted walls. Furniture and fixtures will be returned to their original places.
• Follow up visit: Garry will visit your job after work is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.